Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Irongate - finished

I seem to have been slogging away at this forever..but now it's finished.I really enjoyed the figures in the right hand side of the picture..none of whom were there when I took the photo..when I was thinking of what figures to use..i found that quite coincidentaly, i'd featured the girl in the red top and white trousers...maybe she'll find her way inot other pictures?..see 'The Lady In Red' for her first appearance.

Now it's time to work on my Violinist picture...


Devil Mood said...

Mission accomplished!
I LOVE it when characters from other places come and play. I did that a couple of times in my stories, it's so exciting!

Tys on Ice said...

is the person carrying the grocery u?...looks suspiciously like u...its beautiful

Niall young said...

DM...Yes , I agree..it's like inviting old friends over for tea.

Tysonice...How can it look like me AND be beautiful? ehehe...(I know you meant the picture was beautiful really!)