Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh No!...more cat photo's!..Wilba and Tremble.

We now have names for these delightful I am with 'Wilba'..she seems to have settled in really well and had a little snooze whilst on my lap!
Being slightly more timid, we've called this one 'Tremble'. I've still not managed to show their tails which are very fact Tremble very nearly got called' Stumpy'.

"Yo mamma...get down wid da skater boyz"


Devil Mood said...

Oh I so wish I had kittens (though not right now, as they'd ruin my scarves and
They are cute. Wilba - where did you get that name?

Niall young said...

DM...My son William thought of it!I know it's a masculin sounding name, but it sounds OK..

Tys on Ice said...

welcom to the world of black cloths becoming tweeds and the sofas a scratching pole, your lap and every available space a bed...

Anonymous said...

The cats r really cute!

Niall young said...

Tys...It's a good job I like it like that!

Anonymous..I don't usually publish any comments which are Anon..but i'll make an exception here.Thank you ..I guess there's a good reason to hide your identity....Your Majesty!

Devil Mood said...

It may sound masculine in english but not in portuguese. Names ending with an A are always feminine :)

Niall young said...

DM..ah! is a masculine ending an 'O'? in Ronaldo?

Devil Mood said...

Yes, most masculine names end with an O. :)

Aathira Nair said...

Adorable kittens... I too looked up Manx after reading your entry :)

Niall young said...

Aathira...Thank you for visiting!..I'm glad you like the Kittens.Although they are in strict terms only half Manx, they are displaying some interesting characteristics..I've had cats all my life, and I think I can say without a shadow of doubt, that these Kittens are the most active and yet friendly i've ever looked dafter.