Saturday, April 09, 2011

View from the battlements.

I'm finding it a real challenge at the moment to concentrate on my vision. I tend to plow a very lonely furrow often not speaking to any adults for days. I read recently that William Blake quote which says something along the lines of "I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's." However. the system I create is fallible and imperfect ....and alone I continue...and in many ways i've learned that I shall be alone.

 I apologise for the lack of progress on 'Tables' today. But here is a photograph I posted on Face Book at the weekend of a rainbow seen from my bedroom window. It's got me thinking  (and sketching!!) about how few artists have managed to render correctly and effectively it's luminescence.

I think I this space!


Devil Mood said...

Hmm aren't all the systems fallible? That's why there are so many and we need to keep trying on ours. I was wondering if one does need a system at all, and then it dawned on me that's probably why there are many things I don't follow through. ;P