I know I posted these photos with the exception of the last one some time ago, but just wanted to show you what a bit of resolve can achieve. I started out on my get fit campaign at the beginig of May this year. The motivation was the photograph you see first here for my 'Tea time' picture.I was so horrified by the weight I'd put on and the fact that this year I celebrate my 50th birthday...I wanted to enter my second half century in the best shape of my life as opposed to the worst and heaviest condition I found myself in! So with the aid of some dietary guidelines, a desire to start exercising and a new pair of trainers...I got going.
The photograph below shows me after I'd bought the gear and started Power Walking...initially walking for 20 mins, I quickly managed to step up the distance I walked. As the weight started to come off..so the distance and my stamina increased!
The picture below was taken in June after I'd increased my daily power walks from 2 miles to 6 - 7 miles. I'd lost nearly 2 stone by now and was feeling like a different person (despite the glum look on my face!)
I took this photo (below) this morning after I came back from a 3.7 mile run. I have not given up power Walking, but running gives me an added challenge and is quicker !Each power walk session was taking one and a half hours...
I hope you'll forgive the vanity..I'm really proud of what I've achieved...I've lost 3 stone now and I'm probably in the best physical condition of my life...I know I look a bit of a prat and those shorts do me no favours what so ever...but there you go..!
very inspiring story!
Way to go!
I see a ribcage! Well done!
WOW amazing Niall....GREAT JOB!!!!! Pat on the back and big hug to you.....I'm working out heavily these days to lose the pregnancy weight....and this inspires me that I can do it!
Kudos! Especially impressive after I found out how much a "stone" is.
Thanks all for nice comments..Sorry Julie, I always forget that 'Stone' is just a UK word...yes , it's equivelent to 14lbs...so I've lost 42 lbs! :)
Haven't been here for a while now - I am so proud of you. How much is a stone? I guess I will google it :)
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