Slow going again today..have had to take kids all over the place..I'm like a taxi driver at the later i have to take Annie to see both boys who are performing at a rock event in derby.Sam plays Bass guitar for one band, and Will plays the drums for another. They are supporting a couple of professional metal bands..
Below is a photo of Will's band ( Bloodshot Soup )from our local newspaper report :..Will is at the back on the left looking moody.
Well, I just commented quite a bit on yesterday's post, so I'll leave my comments here especially for Will! Great shot of the band, and what an excellent name! Will looks moody and serious, like a true artist.
I've been visiting ur blog and admiring ur work for about 2 months now. It just struck me that I should let u know that I find ur work AWESOME. Tell me.. u DO hold a world record for patience.. don't u? Unbelievably fabulous work. A salute to u! :-) Btw.. I'm here through Preeti's blog :-)
Oh! That's adorable! And you must be so proud! Are you musically inclined as well? I am not, not in the least, but I am keen to get my boys instruments as soon as they express an interest. Then they can teach me. Sometimes I imagine I'll just buy a used violin, or perhaps an accordian, and teach myself. I'll show my boys they are not the only ones in the house who can make an awful racket!
DM...He IS a tough guy..solid and almost up to my height (5 foot 10 Inches!)
BK..Thank you..I've been worried abotut he sky as it's not turning out the way I intended it to..however...evrey cloud has a silver lining! will be better than I planned!
ur comment on the taxi driver bit...reminds me of my husband mentioning that weekends are his work days...and he needs the week days at teh work place to recoup...'cos the boys really make him work HARD :)
and the band rocks...its an unforgettable moment for the proud family...:)...perhaps u could post a vdo/audio of it too...
"Welcome to my particular 'dance of life'.In these pages you'll see me producing artwork using millions of individually drawn dots of ink called 'Hyperpointillism'. You'll also see photographs..drawings and paintings.I endeavour each day to keep you up to date with whatever I'm working on giving a candid and honest insight into the life of an artist.Why not join me each day?....afterall,in life we're always the Eternal Dance, we're all just beginners"
Well, I just commented quite a bit on yesterday's post, so I'll leave my comments here especially for Will! Great shot of the band, and what an excellent name! Will looks moody and serious, like a true artist.
I've been visiting ur blog and admiring ur work for about 2 months now. It just struck me that I should let u know that I find ur work AWESOME. Tell me.. u DO hold a world record for patience.. don't u? Unbelievably fabulous work. A salute to u! :-)
Btw.. I'm here through Preeti's blog :-)
Oh! That's adorable! And you must be so proud! Are you musically inclined as well? I am not, not in the least, but I am keen to get my boys instruments as soon as they express an interest. Then they can teach me. Sometimes I imagine I'll just buy a used violin, or perhaps an accordian, and teach myself. I'll show my boys they are not the only ones in the house who can make an awful racket!
Tara..He is very serious in this pic..but an incredibly funny guy in reality!
Shruti..glad you felt able to comment..I don't bite!..well, not unless you ask me to!
Julie...I play guitar too..I taught myself..if you have the desire, you can teach yourself anything.
Oh he looks so engaged in his tough-guy role! I love that picture!
It's great that they're both in bands.
I'm loving the colours in the painting, even though I'm not sure they're definitive.
The sky is coming along wonderfully! I like the graduation of colour.
You must be very proud of your little Rock Star. He certainly has the 'look' right!
DM...He IS a tough guy..solid and almost up to my height (5 foot 10 Inches!)
BK..Thank you..I've been worried abotut he sky as it's not turning out the way I intended it to..however...evrey cloud has a silver lining! will be better than I planned!
ur comment on the taxi driver bit...reminds me of my husband mentioning that weekends are his work days...and he needs the week days at teh work place to recoup...'cos the boys really make him work HARD :)
and the band rocks...its an unforgettable moment for the proud family...:)...perhaps u could post a vdo/audio of it too...
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