What you can't see here is the pencil work for the third figure...I've decided I need to alter some of the detail on that, so you'll see what I'm doing regards that tomorrow. Today, more clouds...more lightning. The drawing board is the one place where things have been rosy today...outside of that ...certain things are not so good.
"Welcome to my particular 'dance of life'.In these pages you'll see me producing artwork using millions of individually drawn dots of ink called 'Hyperpointillism'. You'll also see photographs..drawings and paintings.I endeavour each day to keep you up to date with whatever I'm working on giving a candid and honest insight into the life of an artist.Why not join me each day?....afterall,in life we're always learning...in the Eternal Dance, we're all just beginners"
I did not imagine how much work this was when it first started. It looks amazing. Also, I hope things are looking better today.
Pink Dogwood...These days I considier around 200 hours to produce something of this size not unusual.
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