Thursday, July 05, 2012

Muse-ic - 39

It's a time of contrasts for my opinion, the last few pieces I've created have (as far as my initial vision was concerned) well below what I've wanted to achieve. This one however is something I feel very happy with...but contrasting it with the utter failure of myself to make a commercial success of what i do is altogether frustrating.Especially as belt tightening is a regular activity in my household. I feel incredibly guilty that I persist in pursuing some kind of rose tinted dream that one day my work will pay my bills...and this is not happening.

As far as I know, I'm the only person in the UK to produce full colour dot pictures...I've spent the last couple of years working in my current plan - and it's something I'm accepting personally as a challenge, is to return to full colour work. I'm not short of ideas, and it would be interesting to see how my current cast of characters and bizarre situations look in colour....I'm not asking what you think, as it's what I want to do...and I will, so , the plan is to press on and finish this piece and get on with something new....just thought you might like to know!