I love it when an idea comes along and I visualise an image, a concept (such as happened with Ball Of Wool)..no matter how I plan and prepare the sketches before hand..something else will develop..something else will come out. Often it has nothing to do with the actual work itself.It is a by product which in many ways outlasts and outshines the original concept.
For instance: when I decide that I will consciously make peace and love a goal in my life..I affect those around me..those with whom I am in contact and communication with.The world is changed in some way..All very 'Hippyesque' I hear you say?..certainly not! For each time I give myself to love and peace no matter if it is at the same time and with the same words each day..the run off will be in totally different directions each time. Having a heart and a soul which seeks peace, love and freedom is the start. Begin with where you are..if we all have the same goals..the ripples in the pool will spread beyond our control and imagination.....( the Butterfly effect anyone?)
OK..so I'm not an academic..I'm a 40something artist with a will to be something good in the world. every morning I rise and this is the sight I see from my window...in fact this is what I look out at all day when I am working. And every day it is different.Ten minutes after I took this photo, the sun disappeared up into the blanket of cloud hanging above it never to been seen again all day. But I was there...and it stayed with me all day.
Ah, I love the sunrise. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to ever look at one..hihi
It's true that we can't control the consequences of our actions and even less so when it comes to artistic creation. It has a life of its own.
I love your ongoing dialogue with your work, and the way you let it play out in all your thoughts. I don't think I can claim the same. I never come to any conclusions or convictions, but often fall deeper and deeper into the concentric circles of my own fantasies. Sad, really.
DM..Ah..but you see the sunset!
Julie..no!..your work is beautiful beyond any conclusions..it is open ended and therefore unbound if I may say so..it is one of the things that drew me to your work in the first place..it felt as if I could crawl inside it and let it carry me to places unimagined!
Very few people have the ability to remain positive and determined towards a goal....Its such a treasure, to have it within you. Life is always springing surprises on us...its how we face it and with what attitude , that determines our conclusions on it....You are lucky that even the short sunrise can get give out beauty.....
u hve set something in motion here niall...i do believe in the butterfly effect....a gentle thought is a powerful catalyst...
Prats...I am a VERY patient man Prats in respect to my artwork..I will work until it is finished.Do you know, some of my earlier work (whilst I was out doing anothe rjob) used to take 6 - 9 months to complete?
Tys..so true..a ripple in a mill pond will reach every corner.
What a marvelous hue of blue!
I have a similar privileged view from my window down here.
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