Friday, November 02, 2007

Ball Of Wool - 9

Today I've spent 5 solid hours (so far!!) with my red and yellow pens. There are days when I just plod along ..but I've found that I've actually entered a fertile period in my creativity with more images springing up than I have time to deal that's where the sketchbook comes in!Get ideas down so that I can come back to them and develop them as and when. Be prepared for some surprises along the way !
Here's one of the close up shots I like to show you occasionally.this gives you an idea of the scale I'm working at. The current time spent on this piece is 27 hours 35 minutes!.


Devil Mood said...

The ball looks completely real!

Prats said...

The depth in this picture is so good. Is it brougt about by the yellow? This really fascinates me, the way you've been adding small touches and transforming the intensity of the picture.

Jonice said...

Aren't we lucky your sketchbook has been coping with all of your creativity flow? I'm looking forward to seeing the oncoming pictures!
I love the wool threads shown smooth and loose here. I love the expressive hand, too!

Have a nice weekend, Niall :)

Niall young said...

DM..thank you..but do I look real?..what is real?

Prats..Yellow Ochre is I think a wonderful colour...

Jonice..You have such an encouraging way of commenting Jonice!Re: the hand..I'm very proud of the hand on the right..I normally hate doing hands!