I'm not sure how this is going to go...I've been working on sketches for weeks now, it was to have taken one particular route, but I've decided against the original intended one and developed a new theme..of course all of this is meaningless unless you live inside my head ( not recommended!). so the best i can do is let things unfold here before you.
"Welcome to my particular 'dance of life'.In these pages you'll see me producing artwork using millions of individually drawn dots of ink called 'Hyperpointillism'. You'll also see photographs..drawings and paintings.I endeavour each day to keep you up to date with whatever I'm working on giving a candid and honest insight into the life of an artist.Why not join me each day?....afterall,in life we're always learning...in the Eternal Dance, we're all just beginners"
You look positively startled there! ;)
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