Sunday, February 05, 2012

An insight.......

whilst working on the final Cello girl for my current picture, I tried various poses for her to adopt. I'd worked on the idea that she would be slightly bending forward...but due to the limited space . I opted for her to stand erect. However..I've continued developing the previous sketch for her bending forward. Above is a photo showing very rough ideas on tracing paper....I like to work on tracing paper so that I can rework ideas selecting the good points..then trace onto a new piece for further development....I really like the pose and would consider incorporating it into another composition...but please with all my sketched ideas...they tend to languish in the 'vaults' until needed...this might be next week, or it might be next decade! but either way...they  'live'......and are in gestation...


Tys on Ice said...

theres so much symbolisms in this. or am i just imagining it? like snippets of u, hidden within each of it...

one of these days iam gonna do a dan brown on u..


the girls look adorable.