I thought I'd share with you one particular artist..well actually twin brothers who both produced some of the most amazing illustrations over a long and varied career. Tim and Greg Hildbrandt were born on 23rd January 1939 in Detroit , Michigan, USA. they were responsible for a prodigious output of posters, comic book art, science fiction book covers and pin up art. Commercial art has always been viewed as the poorer brother of fine art, but the degree of talent, vision and technical skill shown by The Brothers Hildebrandt is second to non in my opinion.
Whether you agree or not about the subject matter Tim and Greg produced, any student or observer and connoisseur or realism painting, fantasy and pin up art cannot possibly be anything other than amazed and awestruck by their work.
Tim Hildebrandt died on 11 June 2006 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Greg was awarded the Chelsey award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement in 2010.
The official website can tell you much more than I possibly can...this can be found here.
And here is a small selection of images to wet your appetite!
By Greg Hildebrandt
Faramir - By Tim Hildebrandt
Gandalf and Bilbo - by Greg Hildebrandt
Warrior by Tim and Greg Hildebrandt
Greg Hildebrandt with his now famous movie poster artwork for Star Wars!
I didn't know about these artists, they had a very varied style from the sample that you provided.
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