I'm ready...here is the blank page, in a few moments I'll begin drawing.My aim is to produce something dynamic, colourful and thought provoking, the sketches I have now and the photos I've taken all point to something exciting...If you're dropping by either by design or accident, why not make the return journey each day and follow the development of what i hope to be my most ambitious and meaningful picture to date.
"Welcome to my particular 'dance of life'.In these pages you'll see me producing artwork using millions of individually drawn dots of ink called 'Hyperpointillism'. You'll also see photographs..drawings and paintings.I endeavour each day to keep you up to date with whatever I'm working on giving a candid and honest insight into the life of an artist.Why not join me each day?....afterall,in life we're always learning...in the Eternal Dance, we're all just beginners"
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