Thursday, March 20, 2008

PWM - 21

With the approach of Easter..I did what any self respecting bloke does at this time of year..followed his wife down to the DIY superstore.Yes's time to do some decorating.paint the lounge/hall/stairs and probably myself and a few other things not in the list! so that's why i haven't been able to put in the hours i wanted to today.

I've begun the chess pieces, and I can say that they're bloomin' difficult!To get the effect I want, i run the risk of over saturating the colours..this will make the pieces look flat and I need to take it slowly , and gradually build up the layers.

On a slightly different note, I've had a steady stream of visitors leaving comments with requests to visit their own blog/web sites . I always reject publishing these as I will not be used as an advert for other sites . As a matter of course, I will make visits to anyone who leaves a comment, and if i like your site, I shall add it to my blog roll or even publicise it in my posts. I hope this clears matters up!


Devil Mood said...

Oh Niall, please visit me ;) ;) please, please ;)


Seriously, get your browser to my blog, I have something for you! eheh

Shruti said...

everytime I come here, I scroll quickly to the bottom of the page and go slowly upwards. Its like watching a movie!! :D

Niall young said...

DM..Yes..I'm about to board the plane right now!!! mean your blog? eheh..I have visited..thank you for the mention and the Kylie!

Shruti..In view of the dwindling amount of comments here, that is such a lovely and encouraging thing to say!