I must say..this chap is wearing a very fetching pink t-shirt isn't he?..I like the fact that it gives a softened feel to the scene which will become more apparent later as there are some very dark areas around him. I've meant to do some blurred images of people ever since the picture of 'St Peter's Street' I did early on in 2006.
"Welcome to my particular 'dance of life'.In these pages you'll see me producing artwork using millions of individually drawn dots of ink called 'Hyperpointillism'. You'll also see photographs..drawings and paintings.I endeavour each day to keep you up to date with whatever I'm working on giving a candid and honest insight into the life of an artist.Why not join me each day?....afterall,in life we're always learning...in the Eternal Dance, we're all just beginners"
So much progress already!
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