Monday, October 27, 2008

Favourite Artists - Jim Burns

Jim Burns was born in 1948 in Cardiff, Wales.After a time in the Royal Airforce, he joined Newport School Of Art to do a Foundation Year in art and design.After this he went on to complete his diploma at St. Martins School of art, London. Working for newly established arts agency 'Arena' who he still works for. today he is one of the foremost contemporary science fiction illustrators of our time. He won the 'Hugo award for best professional artist' three times( The only non American to have won it).
I love his work's grandeur and contrasting images of people set against huge mechanical machines and space ships.Browse through any sci - fi section at your library or bookstore and you'll see covers by Burns.He also worked briefly with film director Riddley Scott for the design of the movie 'Blade Runner'.
I hope you enjoy the pictures here can find further examples at: Jim Burns

If copyrite has been breached by my inclusion of any of the above images, I apologise and will remove if requested to do so.


Tys on Ice said...

i dont think any copy right infingement has been trampeled upon....its a strange world we live upon were we have to watch the compliments we bestow... neil, we seem to live in a world we have to apologize to...iam so damn tired....

for heavens sake, u r my inspiration....just be...when u appreciate dont u ever say sorry...

always loved the imagery of blade runner....i wud kill my creator

Niall young said...

Tys...the only reason i mention the copyrite issue is that it is a big issue , i would hate cause offence ...I respect Jim's illustrations very highly.