Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Our beautiful little cat tremble was run over by a car in our avenue this morning.Jan and I were doing roleplay at Nottingham University when we had a phone call from our eldest son Sam ..he was in tears as he told us that one of our neighbours had found her in the road and brought her to his front garden. We'd only had Tremble and her sister Wilba since June, and she'd quickly become a part of our family. Her mother was a Manx breed of cat, and this is were she inherited her 'Stumpy' tail from. She was a fearless cat used to climbing and was often seen on the street hiding under cars.
Incredibly friendly and loyal, it was devastating news to hear that she had been killed.On arrival back in Derby, i dropped Jan at home to comfort the boys whilst I went to fetch Annie from her friends house. I will never forget telling Annie as we sat in the back of our car..we hugged each other and cried.
Later Tremble's body was brought back to the House, Will and his good friend Dominic dug a hole at the bottom of the garden next to the grave of our beloved cat Dusty who died in 2003 aged 18.The most moving sight was as we stood around looking at Tremble curled up in a shoe box, her sister Wilba came over and licked her little head.
There were tears as we buried Tremble in the failing was cold..we said goodbye.


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. Hugs.

Preeti Shenoy said...

I am so sorry Niall. I told Atul and Purvi this morning.
More than anything my heart goes out to Wilma.At least we humans can talk and say what we feel. I feel so bad for the animals.

Anonymous said...

Dom and I have been so sad hearing about what happened to poor Tremble yesterday. It shook up Dom really badly, although he felt very honoured to be part of the burial party.
We really feel with you for the loss of this lovely cat, which sometimes came shooting down our passage and I would shout,'Hey, Stumpy'!
For Dom it was a time to remember the loss of our black cat Larry in almost identical circumstances.

Big hugs from all your Pegg neighbours across the road!

Tys on Ice said...

i didnt know.

Iam so sorry for your loss. Having lost 2 of our cats, I can imagine your pain...

Anonymous said...

I too suffered a loss of a similar kind. I continue to ask myself if it real. Not having him next to me when I paint makes it all too real.

Here is his pic:

Niall young said...

Tys...Thank understand

Robin..Thank you for dropping by..I appreciate your words.