Friday, September 05, 2008

Hanging in a damp barn.

The rain poured all day, we drove through floods and blocked roads to reach 'The Barn'.An electricity supply has been kindly donated by the next door neighbours and lights courtesy of Tim .The owners had very kindly installed a double layer of batons all around the walls for us to hang the pictures from...although we were also able to put nails directly into the walls .Here we've just finished bringing pictures in from the was raining heavily so everything got wet...
..especially Jan!She's hanging the first picture 'Absurdities'...I've tried to include more of my more surreal subjects in this exhibition as the festival attracts a more discerning and serious viewer. Of course I'll be selling prints of all my most popular drawings but also offering an ordering service whereby customers can buy a print of any of my pictures (as long as they are prepared to wait a few days!)

Despite the 26 years I've producing these pictures...I'm still fairly new to the commercial side of the work..and with very limited funds at my disposal it's tricky to know which pictures to invest money for printing's very much a trial and error matter.

Not using the flash shows how dark the Barn is...We intend to install the lighting tomorrow morning, set up the prints for sale and find a level enough area for my table to work at.
It took the best part of two hours to hang the show, which is quick compared to some we've done..when we left, we had to take some of the pictures off the wall because rain was leaking through!!I've no idea how many people will come to see me..the rain is forecast to last all weekend.'s all a bit of an adventure really...tune in tomorrow to see how the first day went!
For those who want to view the festival site...go here


Devil Mood said...

I'm sure that isn't the kind of place where paintings are best kept safe, water, water everywhere.
It's pretty rainy over here too and extremely windy. There's supposed to be the Red Bull Air Race this weekend but I don't know how that will turn out.
Good luck this weekend! I say you're all prepared and ready, now you only need the visitors! Isn't it always the same story?