Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am a thespian.

Here's a view of me you haven't seen before!..and yes..that is a ponytail! Today I worked my first contract for PRP or Professional Role Players. In a much needed bout of responsibility, I went to earn some money. I was employed to act as a person at an 'Incapacity Benefit' assessment. I played someone who had been off work due to neck pain and hearing problems...I was assessed by a trainee assessor who was in turn being assessed via video link by their course assessor.In all I had to act my role four times. This was therefore my first ever paid acting role!! The photo shows me reading my book 'Passion' in the kitchen of the assessment centre in Stoke On Trent. So that accounts for the lack of work done on my picture today...still, it means we can eat for another week!

Back to my 'day job' tomorrow!


Tys on Ice said...

nice :)...when did u manage growing it that long?...i mean it was only a few months ago that u went for the Kojak look...

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Those types of tails are called "rat tails" around here. Sorry for the unsavory bit of information.

Niall young said...

Tys..." Who loves ya baby"..the fact is that I have had the pony/rat tail since just haven't seen it!

Julie...I think Rat Tail is a more apt description.