Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cello - 24 Lace Stockings

You know, on the face of it, this exercise would appear to be the work of a fetishist.Believe me, it's not...in fact what you see here is part of the process I go through to a lesser or greater degree for the whole of my compositions.Too many times I've had well meaning observers point out some basic flaw in my pictures that i always as far as possible, try to achieve a level of accuracy that I at least feel comfortable with. With the world of copyright being such a minefield, I avoid copying like the plague and aim to produce all my pictures with as much originality of source as possible. For the purposes of this post, I'm showing the process of designing and transferinmg my own designed pattern to the lace stockings of Cello Girl.Above, i use some designs of black lace as a guide to drawing my own..on the sketchbook page, you'll see my pencil drawings, i opted for the curly roses..I then made a tracing of those roses.
The actual pattern seen here was much too large for transfer to the main drawing, so I used the above photograph..cropped it down and increased the contrast.

I then pasted multiples in decreasing sizes onto a page ready for printing.At this stage I had no idea the scale that I required for the pattern so I wanted plenty of choice.

I chose a scale I was happy with and traced out a series in pattern.I then transferred the pattern to the main drawing..the challenge now of course is to extend the pattern as it stretches over her knee..this I'll attempt tomorrow, the effort you see here is not good.

Now you might (but more likely not!) be wondering what happened to the snowman Annie and I made last week..well, the snow is all but gone, but our frosty friend still stands in grotesque posture where we built him...with his carrot sticking up at a jaunty angle!


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

It's nice that you show you work. A lot of people probably don't realize the sort of research it takes to make a composition work.

pink dogwood said...

Wow, I never realized so much work went into just designing the lace pattern. Now that you have put in the effort - maybe you should market your line of lace stockings :)

pink dogwood said...

btw, what happened to the end of your yellow/black pencil? You chew the ends of your pencils? :):)

Niall young said...

Julie..Thank you..I know you understand what I'm talking about.you know sometimes the research and sketching is as much fun as the actual drawing itself. " I love it when a plan comes together!"

Pink Dogwood..It's funny, but having spent all that time designing and drawing the lace pattern, it still lookslike something you can probably find iin a market if you look hard enough. but seriously, I know that the design is my own and original. Just wait to see what it looks like when I've dotted it. BTW, there's a big history of hosiery design in Derbyshire, perhaps it's in the blood?

PS..LOL, the pencil...it's veyr old, but that is no excuse. I used to chew my pencils,ugh!..now there's an admission!I never even thought about it when I took the photo.

Bobkat said...

I just spent ages writing a long commenta round art and research only to have blogger throw up an error message and not post it.

It's lunch time at work so I haven't time to recompose but I wanted you to know I had been by. The long commnet roughly told of my sympathy for the research process through my experience doing Art A Level. Must go now!

Shachi said...

Hi Niall,

Thank you for sharing so much with us through your blog. It gives a whole new meaning to the picture after it's complete!

You have a lot of patience - the thought and detail that you put into your pictures is amazing!

I always learn something new when I drop by your site...

Keep up the good work :)
