Sunday, June 17, 2007

Game - sketchings

I have been explaining a little of what goes on when the idea of a picture starts to take shape.Below you will see a page from my sketch book (A5 size) which has some basic compositions sketched out..sometimes I will fill a book with drawings for one picture, but the basic idea for this one has been in various forms for years.Of the two sketches here I opted for the second one as the direction I'd like to go in. I've often looked at what i consider to be the most satisfactory composition over something else...I prefer to arrange verticals and horizontals and base the main weights of the composition on this.
The same applies to characters. I doodle away for ages trying out various faces, attitudes and suddenly land on something that stands out from the rest. Above you can see where I've marked the face in the bottom left corner "This one!"I will then draw a more 'finished' sketch which i can then photograph and put on my PC where I can alter the size to fit my composition. When I'm happy with that, I will take a tracing of it to transfer to the page. For the current piece, I have five components sketched and traced up for all takes place on an A3 piece of watercolour paper.