Wondering what to post today. I've spent time working on some sketches for my next picture..don't worry..I'll post some of them before I start. But for now until I have something more concrete, i thought I'd show you some pictures that have never been seen by anyone since they were created..Strange but true that these slightly titillating images are quite quite tame but were something laying hidden in my thoughts. I have a few more straining to see the light of day, so perhaps I'll dare to bring them out another day.
They're actually rather adolescent fantasies and as such have no titles,and they date from around 1991... but you'll notice the 'Starman' with the cello in the monochrome picture ....you'll find that every artist has an persistent theme which seems at odds with his audience..these are mine. I wouldn't have dreamed of sharing these with you a few months ago, but I've received the encouragement I needed and now ..welcome to my psyche....and thank you Julie!

Yay! Every artist should have the courage of his/her own "totems" and even "pathologies". The monochrome picture has an especially nice circular movement in the composition.
Wow, your technique was already so developed by then!
I love the light in those pictures.
I agree that there is a theme. I always write about the same things over and over, even when I don't intend to.
As I've been mulling these over today, I think the only painter that comes remotely close in theme is Balthus. And I'm going to have to use all of the persuasion I can muster to get you to use paint! And soon! It has the tactile, sensual quality that your vision deserves.
You know, to do that will mean a total rethinking of how I do things...yes, I've painted in various medium before but have never felt that I was very good.I lack the technical ability. I think I try to control the paint too much.When I paint I see in my mind Milais..when I look at my work..I see Malaise!
But seriously Julie..it is something that I intend to do,espescially when I get my studio sorted out.
me like :)
but seriously, its beautiful, why was it hidden?
Tys...Hidden because for many years I had a very religious background..I was reluctant to open up..someone whose opinion I valued very much said that my work was perverted and that i needed 'healing'...I'm affraid I never had the courage of my convictions to make my work public...but now I have!!
There is so much beauty in these pictures...and its got so much of detailing considering they are some of your first few....Thank God!! You chose to bring them out of hiding...I really loved them
Brilliant pictures Niall.Really brilliant--but then i like anything you do!
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