Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Home Alone...

As they often family have gone off for a few days leaving me to fend for myself. this is good because I can throw myself into my work and enjoy interruption free working.However, on the negative side, I let them take the camera away too, so I'll not be posting any pictures of my work until Saturday at the earliest.So instead, I'm going to indulge myself and post videos/music of my all time very favourite and most influential pieces of music from my past.

There are no prizes for you guessing correctly, but I've already picked the tunes and I'll post one tonight and one tomorrow night .

Think you know me?...stay tuned.


Devil Mood said...

I'm going to indulge myself and post videos/music of my all time very favourite and most influential pieces of music from my past.

Oh no! Dad rock! ;)
I was listening to that DireStraits song that reminds me of line-dancing and I turned to my Mum and asked: How on earth did it occur to these people to make a song this tacky?

Niall young said...

DM...Annie has this idea..she says that when Dad's at home on his own, all he likes to do is put his music on loud and play air guitar wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. Prepare for 'Dad Rock'!!