Friday, July 11, 2008

Absurdities - 24

The sky uses the same blue's just a question of density...the closer the dots, the deeper the hue. The more important question is : do I want to represent the natural look of the sky or just make it up as i go along?I think it's a mixture of the two,I suppose it's a little like the method a writer might use in a paragraph surmising the events of a period of pictorial terms, it's showing different aspects of the sky seen at different times of the day in the same view. Rene Magritte was famous for his surreal of which has a night time landscape with a daytime sky....


Devil Mood said...

I love that Magritte painting. But even though it's surreal, it is possible to see a clear sky and a shadowy landscape at times, when the landscape is right.

Niall young said...

DM...You are right of course!..Nature throws up all permutations...they say "there is nothing new under the sun".

Devil Mood said...

That's a tragic but true quote!