Thursday, June 14, 2007

Anyway..It's finished!

Here you go!..the finished 'Anyway'.Not what I had been planning, but pleasing enough never the less.I touched on the meaning in an earlier post..but I've come to realise that it can mean anything you want it to.As I've often said..I love to hear other peoples interpretation of my images. What do you think ?


Devil Mood said...

I'm afraid my previous comment wasn't registered but I had my interpretation of 'anyway'. (sob!) I don't want to write it again. (I can be childish like that)

Niall young said...

I'm so sorry your comment got lost somewhere..It didn't reach me so I can only blame Blooger and cyber-gremlins for it's no show!.I always value your opinion DM...thank you for sticking with me!

Niall young said...

Blooger? seem to be getting to me too!

Bobkat said...

I love the night sky and how it's echo'd in the priest's robes. From your earlier explanations of the characters I very much feel that this picture represnts ying and yang: selflessness versus selfishness. I must admitthat I am at a bit of a loss as to teh menaing of the spider but that might be becasue I am phobic and can't get past the fact that it's a spider!!!

Just wanted to thank you for you kind comment about my mum.

Niall young said...

Sorry about the Spider..I hate them too!!!

Preeti Shenoy said...

Interperting it--well that is difficult, especially to put it down in words.To me, the picture has to 'move you' affect you in some way.
All yours do.
This one too appealed to me.Yes, even the spider.Looks so meancing and the priest plays on, unaware,uncaring perhaps.

Devil Mood said...

Damn it - the only reason I didn't re-write it was because I had already been forced to re-write an email in that same night. I was so...grrr.
I was saying that the aviator is gazing at the future, at the possibilities, with optimism, openess, while the bad guy looks severe, closed in his own world and his own rules, possibily afraid of the same thing the aviator is looking at with expectation. sth like that...