Monday, December 03, 2007

Ball Of Wool - finished.

It should all be so simple you know...Sheep make wool, wool is used to make clothing. But here I am, without my clothing which somehow has failed to find it's way onto my back.For some reason it has become tangled, stepped out of it's intended destiny (for the time being) and has me distracted and preoccupied with it's untangling..or at least my attempts to untangle it. (how did it become tangled?..was it me?...was it you?...was it Harry the Sheep?)Meanwhile dreams, desires and potential hang like tiny but bright lights on the trees of life...part of a whole forest of dreams...the furthest of which trees have not yet attained their lights..or is it in fact that they once had them and they are forever extinguished?

Begun on Tuesday 23rd October, this picture has now come to an end. But it's life as a work of art begins...

I'd like to thank all of you who have over the weeks encouraged me with your words of kindness..for those who have taken to the process I painstakingly go through, and to those of you troubled or mystified by the reason behind the work. It all came from a remark made by friend 'Bobkat', who innocently remarked one day the she was 'trying to untangle' her own ball of wool. I stopped what I was working on at the time and began this picture.

I'm very proud of this piece, it has been a voyage of discovery and the occurrence of some VERY special times for me....the influences of which will be the basis of my next work.

Stay tuned...the best is yet to come!!!!


Devil Mood said...

Well done Niall. It must be hard to say goodbye to your 'baby', but you can still look at it whenever you want.
I think it came out great but the best part is you had a great time doing it and it meant a lot to you.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

You've presented yourself unclothed- that means self-sacrifice. And sheep are sacrificial animals. That figures prominently in my interpretation- it goes well with the Giotto's "Lamentation" reading on the arrangement of the sheep.

Niall young said...

DM...I think one of the best parts in working on a piture like this one is that I know it will take such a long time...I just get lost in it and therefore it becomes part of who and what I am at the time.

Julie...'Lamb-mentation'!...I think you are right in that I do lay down my life for my work...I suppose that might sound a little melodramatic, but it is true non the less.

Sue said...

I do absolutely love this one...

Tys on Ice said...

its beautifully it

Jonice said...

I loved "l'oevre achévée", Niall.
Now I'm looking forward to seeing the new one starting. :)

Niall young said...

Sue..Hi there!..Thank you!

Tys..I'm very proud of this one.

Jonice..Me too!

aMus said...

loved it..came here after a long time and was sad that it was over...well presented

Anonymous said...

Incredible in every detail, from the precision artwork to the symbolism. If this does not make it into a museum then I will be very sad for the future of contemporary art!