Friday, August 24, 2007

TLIR 1 - 4 Hrs30

Close up of man outside the Library..sadly only a 3 .2 meg pixel camera so definition is not good!
The crucial time in any of my pictures is around the five hour mark. I always time how long I spend on a picture so if I ever come to sell it, I will know how much to charge (Seurat used to do this too !)The time recorded does not include lunch/tea breaks and so you can be sure that it really represents actual pen on paper time.You can see alongside the title to each post the current time taken. The quickest picture I've done in this style took about 7 hours. the longest..was I think about 152 hours.
It's sometimes difficult to know where to start dotting. I often decide on a face or something that can easily be messed up..if that happens it's easier to start again rather than work 70 hours then have to scrap it.
Thank you for all your very kind words..I'm not actually very good at 'networking'..I try not to spend a long time on the computer because as you know..five minutes quickly becomes three hours!! I shall attempt to visit the blogs of those who have left comments. Bye for now!


Preeti Shenoy said...

You spend a lot of time on the computer or you try not to?

Niall young said...

Ah..well spotted there..I've corrected that little mistake...

Impressionist said...

way ta go!
your art is phenomenal! :)
Pointillism technique eh!? this is the first time i've heard/seen this! :)

peace & love

Devil Mood said...

You never cease to amaze me with the detail of that man - how is that possible? It's almost like a photo!
You make a good point there about starting with the difficult things ;)

Jonice said...

Here I am again. After having seen your finished pieces and read your lines beneath them. I think you're an amazingly, enormously gifted person who does your best in order to honour the gift you were granted. This is so very touching. So beautiful. So full of true life. I've had a wonderful time here, Niall, for what I'm grateful. From now on I shall be back as often as time allows to enjoy your pieces from when you start them like this one.
Thank you!!!

Tys on Ice said...

Is ur paintings done in the computer or is it physically done, as in , using paint and brushes?

This is an amazing techinique, u seem to be able to get more details in. Iam linking u..wud love to see this picture come to life...

Tys on Ice said...

no need to answer my query...just went to ur word : wow!

I too great stuff..maybe one day i will hve enuf confidence in it to show it to you for an opinion...untill then, I intend to pick up some tips ( no puns) from you ...

btw, loved ur son, williams, drawing...thats really great perspection for a person that young..

Niall young said...

Dear's wonderful to have your I've mentioned recently,they mean a lot and in a funny sort of way, they make YOU a part of the creative process because it's your comments that spur me on to want to do better!!