Sunday, August 26, 2007

TLIR 3 - 10 hrs20

Today I've put a telephone kiosk into the background and extended the picture upwards..there's a nice atmosphere developing to this one.To me it feels relaxed....maybe it's me that's relaxed..what with there being no children around this week!!! I spoke to Jan who expects then to leave their camp this evening and be back around midnight.

Today also I am once again challenged to think about how often I take things for granted. Don't you find it amazing that you can sit at your keyboard and be in contact with people in all parts of the World?..isn't it wonderful? I could never have hoped to speak to you and share my work with such a wide audience if it were not for this Interwebby thing!,if someone out there can invent a Transporter device a la Star Trek, then we could all meet and have a party!


Bobkat said...

I'll bring wine and nibbles!

That piece is coming along really well. Looking at this ection is almost voyeuristic: we're watching this man and yet he doesn't realise it.

Preeti Shenoy said...

You just wrote my entire next post in one sentence :-)
*Don't you find it amazing that you can sit at your keyboard and be in contact with people in all parts of the World?..isn't it wonderful?*
It is--and I always marvel.our children do not because its been that way since the time they were born!
I shall now defer that post.Loved thatdarkness surrounding the man.

Devil Mood said...

Absolutely wonderful. I think the Internet is really a dream come true.