Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hope 11

Work on the sky continues. Slowly I admit but I've had to do a couple of things today. The main one being having to appear at school dressed as Father Christmas!! I had to deliver presents to each child in the school. I don't know how the real Santa does it! One little girl (who attends my Art group) came up to receive her present in front of all the other children..looked at me intently and announced "You're not Santa, You're Niall!"..I HoHo'ed a lot and the teachers laughed. Then one lad (who you might remember drew a picture of a 97 year old lady in a previous post) came up to me, but before I could give him his present, he gave me a little chocolate Santa.."This is for you Santa!".His teacher told me later that he'd saved the chocolate Santa all day so he could give it to me!...


Preeti Shenoy said...

Children say the most outrageous things because they are so honest,and do not know how to disguise their emotions like adults.I work with children and I always find that I learn so much from them, apart from having a lot of fun.I must say you hoho'd your way out of a sticky situation rather well.Typical adult behaviour:-) :-)