Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Well here you have it. The finished article at last.Again the photo doesn't do it any favours..(must get a scanner one day!). Never the less, it's good to sit back and enjoy what I've achieved.

The photos of detail above will give you an idea as to the intricacy involved. Some newer readers have asked if I used the same technique as my previous work. Yes I have..I always use the same type and grade of pen which has a nib 0.25mm. I use Calligraphy inks which are light fast but not waterproof. The waterproof inks when left form blockages in the pen and render them useless..when you've filled 8 pens with the stuff at nearly £20 a's VERY frustrating..Believe me..I was that man!


Devil Mood said...

Hey, congratulations! It's beautiful.
Do you feel like you've lost a child when you finish something you've been working on for so long? I do..

Preeti Shenoy said...

Brilliant Niall. Love the detailing --the intricate branches--and it is so realistic.( i love realistic work too--well--i like almost everything that you do!)
Amazing picture.

Sue said...

"Winter - Finished"
There actually is something kind of springy in this picture, in spite of it being a winter scene!

Winter isn't finished around here; I'm enjoying a lovely ice/sleet/snow storm!

Tim Young said...

Niall what can I say, the pic is amazing, beautiful, hope to see it for real soon. so whats next?