Thursday, April 26, 2007

Antimatter 4

Does anybody these days read their children stories about 'Brer Rabbit?' I was enthralled by the stories about Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox..stupid Brer Bear etc as a child, and have since managed to track down copies of the books to read to Annie. I decided to take one of the books to school for story time. None of the children had ever heard one of these stories! I am rapidly gaining the reputation as being the 'Brer Rabbit' man. An accolade I am happy to carry.Usually funny and often with a moral attached, Brer Rabbit is up against the sneaky Brer Fox and ravenous Brer Wolf. The Rabbit always manages to out Fox the Fox and leave Brer Bear with a headache of some sort...Written by Enid Blyton for me they have lost none of their charm that had me hanging on every work my teacher read to us as a class...way back in the 60's now!

Speaking to Julie the head Teacher today I realised what a bold move it has been for her to employ a man who has never taught before, and put in charge of a whole class for an afternoon. Like me, she believes in the positive power of art..that the engagement of the child in artistic activity and the production of something that brings praise gives the child increased esteem and identity..a sense of achievement. With in the class are quite a few children whose first language is not English. We even have a Latvian and a Russian who are though not able to speak English..can draw in the language of art...which all their classmate can understand! Though it is a difficult and immensely challenging thing I am doing..I actually find it a terrific honour to be able to put something wonderful into the experience of so many children.


Devil Mood said...

I think you and Julie should be praised to making that move. Traditional forms of school and education are less capable of producing good results today. Society has changed so much and it's so important to feed the creativity and individuality of children, instead of aiming to make them all the same.
And art can do that!

Niall young said...

Thank you for you comment!..I agree with your view that education should produce many schools are pressurised by league tables and exam performance that they can appear to squash creativity...