Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday..exhibition day 4.

At last the sky is beginning to take shape!!Have topped 130 hours work making this probably the most labour intensive picture I have ever been involved with.
Today a Mum brought one of the boys involved with my art project.It was wonderful to see him impressed with his picture hanging in the exhibition. Meanwhile his little brother and sister were taken under Annie's (sitting in the middle) wing outside to play school...Annie wants to be a teacher when she grows up so wastes no time finding pupils to practice on!!

Some early blossom

There's something very Japanese about this's gorgeous..

The nature reserve area is still 'asleep' and bare.

Looking back to the nature reserve

There are quite a lot of these urns around the park..some now planted up with bedding plants.

The commemorative statue of the parks benefactor..Joseph Strutt who donated the park to the people of Derby in 1840.


Preeti Shenoy said...

Beautiful pictures.fantastic how you can 'breathe nature' here.Annie seems to be just like Purvi!!Maybe at that age they all like to 'mother' others--then when they grow up and become moms,they slowly figure out its for life :-)and you cannot stop the game :-)

Devil Mood said...

Lovely pictures!
Yes, that tree looks oriental, unfortunately I know nothing about botanics.
So how does it feel to realize that Corn is probably the highest moutain you've climbed?

Niall young said...

DM:..It feels odd really..since this is a picture which is not one of my symbolic/fantasy type pictures which I feel define who I am artistically. I've created larger pieces (Elephantine which is much bigger)..but have taken lkess time..I suppose it's the most intense I've done image wise too..I've made every effort to keep up the quality of dotting even in the periferal areas.