Work continues today. I am more aware of how contradictory I am as a person at the moment. The case in point is that I do not like being out of my routine...I like to work at certain times in the day and for certain periods. Rhythm is all important to what i do as to achieve the consistency of quality, I need to spend long periods of time working. It's a bit like reading a book..if you only manage to read five pages a night..you'll never actually pick up the pace of the narrative and consequently grow tired of the book and give up on it. however..I do not like stagnation. I am a VERY patient worker as you know, and have spent months working on some pieces...I can maintain concentration and vision for that period. but I have to break out once in a while. The holiday period is not a great time for my work.I'm discovering things about the way I work all the time. It is after all only two years since I began full time work on my pictures.
Today whilst working on this picture..I realised an even better way of presenting the dancers..what I should have done was to have a dancer near the edge of the stage on the far right..then a line of dancers gradually disappearing into the horizon in an infinite line....this I will have to do in another picture, another time. It's a frustrating thing to discover how one could actually have made a better compossition when it's too late.
I hope you all had a good New Years Day..?...
First of all, the line of dancers disappearing into the horizon is an excellent idea, but it would change everything about the meaning, wouldn't it? Don't sell this composition short. The next thing I was struck by, is that the cropped photo of today is a really excellent composition on its own. You have so many possibilities for subsequent works!
That was EXACTLY the right thing to say Julie...Thank you..I feel much better about it now!
Well, a discovery is never in vain, you can use it another time. It's never too late to find the light. And it's never too late to understand our work habits neither.
Know what is so lovely, Niall? It's the fact that besides sharing your work itself, you also share your process of getting to know about yourself doing it and doing so you remind whoever wants to that the saying live and learn is a real thing!
DM...I agree with you it is never too late to learn.that is the FIRST thing to learn!
Jonice...It IS a real ting Jonice. It is in fact true to say that I often have to confront myself and the reasons for doing what I do..if only to affirm my resolve to do it...
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